
The plugin can be integrated with any website or other system. There are ready-made plugins for popular CMS. Non-standard integrations can be implemented by your programmer, instructions are described below.
Need help with integration, you need to expand the plugin's functionality, or have other questions -

Integration secret token


Complex scenarios

The implementation of the complex logic of any entity (Lead, Deal, Contact, etc.) is carried out through Business Processes or Robots. It is recommended to entrust these works to the official partners of Bitrix24.

Ready integrations


It is necessary to send data (POST or GET request) to the URL
Parameters for transfer:

array:8 [ // resources/views/integrations/instructions/general.blade.php
  "DOMAIN" => "Portal domain, for example"
  "api_token" => "Integration secret token"
  "TRACE" => "Tracing from Bitrix24 widget (optional)"
  "UF_CRM_FX_CONVERSION" => "User ids (for plugin -, optional"
  "UTM" => array:2 [
    "utm_source" => "google (non required)"
    "utm_campaign" => "new_year (non required)"
  "FIELDS" => array:4 [
    "your-name" => "Roman (All fields are OPTIONAL)"
    "your-phone-example" => "1234567890 (undergoes additional cleaning, validation, formatting and is involved in finding duplicates)"
    "your-email" => " (participates in finding duplicates)"
    "other" => "other fields (optional)"
  "CURRENCY_ID" => "Currency code (RUB, USD, UAH), default portal currency"
  "PRODUCTS" => array:2 [
    0 => array:4 [
      "NAME" => "Product 1"
      "PRICE" => 150
      "FIND_BY" => "NAME"
      "QUANTITY" => 2
    1 => array:7 [
      "NAME" => "Product 1"
      "PRICE" => 1000
      "QUANTITY" => 2
      "TAX_RATE" => 15
      "TAX_INCLUDED" => "N"
      "DISCOUNT_SUM" => 100
      "DISCOUNT_TYPE_ID" => "1 - Sum, 2 - Percent"

Product search

If you need to add an existing product, you must pass the FIND_BY field in each product with the code for searching for the product. For example, if you need to search for products by name, then we pass it like this:

array:4 [ // resources/views/integrations/instructions/general.blade.php
  "NAME" => "Product 1"
  "PRICE" => 150
  "FIND_BY" => "NAME"
  "QUANTITY" => 2

An example of searching for the CODE field. In this case, the field with the code "test_2222" will be found. If it does not exist, add a product with an automatically generated name:

array:4 [ // resources/views/integrations/instructions/general.blade.php
  "PRICE" => 1500
  "FIND_BY" => "CODE"
  "CODE" => "test_2222"
  "QUANTITY" => 2
List of fields to search
array:22 [ // resources/views/integrations/instructions/general.blade.php
  "ID" => "ID"
  "CATALOG_ID" => "Catalog"
  "PRICE" => "Price"
  "CURRENCY_ID" => "Currency"
  "NAME" => "Name"
  "CODE" => "CODE"
  "DESCRIPTION" => "Description"
  "DESCRIPTION_TYPE" => "Description type"
  "ACTIVE" => "Active"
  "SECTION_ID" => "Section"
  "SORT" => "Sort"
  "VAT_ID" => "Tax rate"
  "VAT_INCLUDED" => "Tax included"
  "MEASURE" => "Unit of measurement"
  "XML_ID" => "External ID"
  "PREVIEW_PICTURE" => "Preview image"
  "DETAIL_PICTURE" => "Full image"
  "DATE_CREATE" => "Created on"
  "TIMESTAMP_X" => "Modified on"
  "MODIFIED_BY" => "Modified by"
  "CREATED_BY" => "Created by"
  "PROPERTY_92" => "Картинки галереи"

Status sync

To synchronize statuses, you must initially pass the value specified below in the <b>FIELDS field</b> when creating an entity. This will link the created entity to a specific order from the site.

array:5 [ // resources/views/integrations/instructions/general.blade.php
  "DOMAIN" => "Portal domain, for example"
  "api_token" => "Integration secret token"
  "HOSTNAME" => ""
  "ORDER_ID" => "99"
  "STATUS" => "PAID"
  • Status changes from CRM. Our plugin will send a GET request for a domain (taken from HOSTNAME) to the main page of the site with the following parameters: flamix_status=Y, status={Uppercase site status}, order_id={site order number} and hash=md5(api_token. '_'. strtoupper(status)), where api_token - Application secret token. The programmer must independently check them and change the status.
  • Status changes from the site. To change the status, the site must send a POST request to the URL with DOMAIN and api_token, passing HOSTNAME, ORDER_ID and STATUS (example above).